Saturday, February 23, 2008

Money $$

Rant #10

i fucking hate money i hate the value of it and that the world revolves around it and there's no way of getting rid of it because everyone is naturally greedy. I wish we were all born without the sense of greed and that if we were just able to have whatever ever we wanted that we would be sensible about it and fucking share but that's never going to happen which is incredibly sad. I hate that everything costs so damn much i mean it's hard enough to make a living esp. if you're someone like me who doesn't give a fuck about being someone rich or money. I don't want to grow up to be some sort of money hungry fuck i rather be happy doing something i love and that's the damn straight truth, and as long as im comfortable i'm not going to sell out and work someplace just because they'll pay me a lot

Friday, February 22, 2008


Rant #9

In life an interview is something you bascically cannot avoid, whether it's for a job, school ect... we all still have to do at least 1 in our life, and i fucking hate them!
I had one today at a university for admission/portfolio review, and im sure i fucked it up. I met with 2 professors, and at least they were nice, but interview always make me ramble on about something off topic, like i swear half the questions one of the teachers was asking, i wouldn't know the answer (because i don't know shit about photography) and would ramble on about something begging my mind to think of something quick to say to answer her. I have to give myself this, im great making up story's, it's all acting ;) but as for quick thinking i'm horrid that's why i make shit up.
Anyways interviews are rubbish but i guess no one can get through life without doing them.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Ripping Off

Rant #8

I finally got my fucking pay check today to only find out the bastards ripped me well off, they totally fucked up! Which put me even in a worse mood than before and believe me this day is horrid as it is, im so stressed my mind hasn't even compressed it all yet and i'm still thinking im going to wake up from it all. But who the hell do these people think they are, yeah it could have been a mistake but how do you fuck up like that, stupid shits. I hate when people rip others off, what do they think i won't go and say something, which is exactly what i know they are thinking. Fucking dipshits, i should quit right then and there, im quitting soon though because im litterally busting my ass there for hardly any money, fuck that shit!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Unsupportive Parents

Rant #7

I have a very unsupportive parent and THAT would be one of the main reasons as to why i'm such an angry child. When i say unsupporitve i mean she doesn't 'approve' of the things that i like, the things that make me happy, such as acting, films and music. She has never once supported my love for acting, she has never NEVER once believed in me or gave a fuck about any plays i was in. And they wonder why i'm such an angry fuck. A lot of parents don't realise or don't care about the damage they can do to their kids by not believing in them, like i don't give a fuck if no one else believes in me as long as I do (believe in myself) then i should be fine, but it really helps if at least your bloody family backs you on your love. This is something i want to do for the rest of my life whether they fucking accept it or not they can shove it up their asses for all i give a damn, but don't ever EVER come to me later on in life and say you believed in me because i'll kick you right down. Parents should support their kids loves, because money isn't everything, fact.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Over the top

Rant #6

oooops i missed a day, i totally forgot to post last night...oh well fuck it! Well today the family went out for lunch/dinner at a chinese buffet and some couple were having their reception there (im sorry but that's a bit lame, if i ever get married i want to have a reception somewhere rad), and they had fucking kareoke too..ugh. Anyways sometimes my mother thought it would be fun or funny to sing loudly along with them, of course that annoyed the fuck out of me and i finally got very angry and told her to stop and then she said im much too angry and should seek serious councelling. Ha! and she was serious about it all too. People who are too extra or over the top piss me well off though, especially because they are doing it to get attention and to make people laugh when in the end it's not funny at all, sometimes it can be fun to be outgoing but not when you're repeatedly doing it over and over and over again, like piss off.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Movie Ruiners

Rant #5

shit i can't believe i've been able to keep this up, let's just say im an angry bored teenager. Tonight's rant goes out to all you film ruiners. Don' t you just fucking despise it when people tell you the ending of a film and you haven't asked them about it, it boils me up so much it's not even sane. When i first saw 'Little Miss Sunshine' my cousin told me about one of the most essential/important and shocking bits of the plot, and...AT THE BEGINNING OF THE MOVIE!! I won't mention what he said because i'm not one of those ruining pricks but i felt like giving him a huge drop kick in the face. Why can't people just let me watch the damn movie in peace. I didn't ask you to explain it to me because as i watch, i will understand it, and if i have any question (which doesn't happen) i will save them for the end, shit. Them and people who ask questions during the entire should be smacked upside the damn face.
shut your bloody mouth please!



Rant #4

Surpringly tonight it was hard for me to think of something to rant about, and usually that doesnt happen, but today has been so fucked up it's insane. So i'm ranting about school now, and leaning more towards post-secondary studies such as uni or college. Why the fuck do they cost so much and do they demande such high standards of us kids. Less and less kids are going to uni, cause they can't afford it or don't have the ridiculously high grades, shit loads of students don't even fucking graduate high school [people who drop out of high school though are fucking stupid ass prick and get what they deserve]. Now that im entering uni next year (hopefully) i have my family, mostly my mother on my fucking back 24/7 about getting my portfolios done, writing this and that and grades and MONEY, shit im 17 i don't know what im going to do later on in life, well i know what i want to do and it certainly has nothing to do with what i applied for.
Fuck school