Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Too many questions

Rant #2

alright so today's rant has to do with inquisitve people, there is nothing wrong with being curious, nothing wrong with that at all, im a very curious person myself but im subtle about it. There's that stupid saying 'curiosity killed the cat' well i think differently, it was NOT curiosity that murdered the cat, it was most likely one of their family members.
What is my point? Well my mother just so happens to be one of those OVERLY inquisitive people, she asks questions 24/7, she will ask random people questions about why they are doing such and such, why does she feel the need to do so? i have no idea but if someone could please explain i would love to know.
She's always asking me questions, and it's question after question after question like im in some bloody interview and she asks the stupidest things, like why did you put that there? or why are you walking like that? fuck.
The worst is when she asks me questions when we're watching a film, do not ask me something when you are about to see it in 2 seconds calm yourself and the story shall unveil itself to you if you could just shut it for a few seconds and listen and watch!!

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