Thursday, February 14, 2008


Rant #3

this was an OBVIOUS topic for today, and yes i am one of those angry anti-valentines chicks, it's in my nature. Anyways what im ranting about is why the hell is valentines day considered as a holiday?!?! because it bloody well is not a holiday, i had to work today and i did not get the day off school so it must not real be a holiday so why did i have people saying 'happy valentines' to me like were celebrating fucking christmas here. Valentines, just like religion is a big scam to brainwash us all (oooohhh) i rather valentines though than religion, i just had to put that out there, since valentines isnt very sexist. Anyways i don't see what the whole fuss is about today, fuck if you need to make up a day to use it as an excuse to buy your significant other something then thats lame. I rather get a gift randomly because i was thought of , not because the world says you need to buy someone a lovely little gift on this pathetic day.
p.s why the fuck was there so many people shopping at my work today? weren't they all supposed to be out having sex?

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