Saturday, February 16, 2008


Rant #4

Surpringly tonight it was hard for me to think of something to rant about, and usually that doesnt happen, but today has been so fucked up it's insane. So i'm ranting about school now, and leaning more towards post-secondary studies such as uni or college. Why the fuck do they cost so much and do they demande such high standards of us kids. Less and less kids are going to uni, cause they can't afford it or don't have the ridiculously high grades, shit loads of students don't even fucking graduate high school [people who drop out of high school though are fucking stupid ass prick and get what they deserve]. Now that im entering uni next year (hopefully) i have my family, mostly my mother on my fucking back 24/7 about getting my portfolios done, writing this and that and grades and MONEY, shit im 17 i don't know what im going to do later on in life, well i know what i want to do and it certainly has nothing to do with what i applied for.
Fuck school

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