Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Religious Freaks!

first post and i'm really not surprised that this all begins with a rant against overly religious people.
Just so you know this blog will consist of a different rant everyday, and feedback is great i have no problem whatsoever with arguing or finding people who agree with what i have to say, i like to rant, it's a curse and im dealing with it

Rant #1
Alright my family thinks it's good to say grace before we eat...alright that's fine as long as i don't have to say it. EXCEPT whenever they don't feel like saying it they call on me to do it, they always call on me, not my brother or other sister but me! So today i got fucking fed up and told them NO im not doing it, why is it always me you guys call on, and im not even fucking exaggeration i'm telling the blatant truth, the sad truth. anyways so im arguing saying they always pick me and my mother is arguing back saying they don't, and im use to arguing with her, but what really pushed me over the edge was when her husband decided he would butt in and say that he's only ever heard me say grace twice, that's when i told myself if i don't calm myself im gonna grab that knife and stab someone in the face. I managed to calm myself and not freak out because what i really wanted to say to him was "WHAT are you fucking stupid?!!??! i've said it numerous times, too many times for someone who doesnt believe in religion" and he also said i should feel grateful and priviliged to say grace HAHA are you fucking kidding me mate, shit that was hilarious now that i think of it, but i really wasn't laughing at the time.
fuck i hate overly religious people, they need to wake up and realise religion isn't everything

rant over bitches

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